Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Fresh Start for Us

Well friends, we have some changes coming.
If you've noticed, we've been on a bit of a hiatus for the past few weeks. This is because we have been going through some leadership changes, and basically an overhaul of how we do things.

We are also going to be changing a lot of the designs of the website, and hopefully doing a lot of new things. We have a lot of great ideas, and are anxious to execute them!

Please bear with us during this time of transition.

We'd like to thank all of the people who have been a part of our beginnings.

We look fondly on the work that we've all put into this thing. We appreciate every person that has been a part of this, and all that they have done.

Keep doing your thing.

Peace out.

~Table of Contents

(by the way, that's our new name. :)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"I walk down this barren land alone"

[Ace's beach piece]
I walk down this barren land alone, never veering from the painful path,
The heat rains down in a piercing blaze, its scorch taking away all of my breath,
I fall to my knees and feel the sting of the unforgiving grains of multitudes that claw at me,
I shed a tear, for the only complain I have mocks me; The Sea,
I watch as the bright sun shines on the glorious waves in a delightful display,
But to me each wave shows scenes and memories of my harshest days,

One by one they show my pain
And I relive my sorrow over and over again,
My pace slowly makes it to the torrents so fierce, and a long sigh shows I have not mean to fight,
I wish to sway with the waves and worry not about my past, but my body won’t move as I stand knee deep in the water as the day turns to night,
My eyes grow in wonder as I see the world change all around me,
Yes the waves still roar but not in a rage, for the moonlight brings a calm welcome to this loving sea,
I watched as the waves now glided over the sea, and glistened in the light of his lunar celeste,
I felt my feet calm shifting through this cooling sand, allowing my spirit to finally catch a breath,
The water was coated with a shine of beauty rare to be seen,  
No longer showing my pain but revealing my hopes, wishes and dreams,
This ocean, once my greatest fear,
But now something that has grown close to my heart and dear,
In reflection I see the venture I’ve paced for long ages untold,
Its gaze quite charming, but its heart so cold,
It looms over me with its structures so large, but the sea exists in peace with it ,
Its bright lights and discorded sounds never to quit,
I cannot wait in this safe place for long, hoping for my fears to simply fade,

The venture waits for me; I cause my own delay,
I turn and leave away from the sea and its beauteous grace,
And I set my sights on the new challenging face,
With a grin on my lips, a rumble in my chest, knowing this challenge would not be a waste,
Why was I crying in the first place?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dolphonic Mech-Suit

"The Dolphonic Mech-Suit"


Admiral Pippins

Captain Archibald Pete

Engineer Dillard

And, Frank

A story, a journey, and a tug.

Here is my beach theme, a short story that is very deep and intense. Not gonna lie.
Enjoy. :)

~Heather Rose

"A Journey" 

What If?

           The sun slips down lower on the horizon turning the sky the color of grape jelly. The waves lap up on my toes and I cringe as the cold surf consumes my feet. A deep laugh cuts the silence and I look beside me at the boy I've known all my life and I realize how much he's changed. Traces of the boy I knew are there but somewhere in the last few years he grew up, evident by the stubble on his chin. It's so easy not to notice the little differences when you see somebody so often, and so easy to miss the transition from kid to adult. Then one day you are hit with reality and you realize that you're not a kid anymore and watching the sunset with someone has come to mean something entirely different. However, for now I will fend off adulthood and just be a kid again on the beach with her best friend.

Let the Books Burn - Winter Hill

"I don't do poetry you know. I don't mind reading it, but writing it is something else. I look at the ones I've written and I hate them. They all seem so fake. Like someone else wrote them in a different time." I look around me and take in the scene. Sand; seagulls; green water; everything is so calm. So why do I feel like a storm is raging inside of my mind?

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Day at the Beach

Here is my contribution to a theme: a day at the beach. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Things to come

If you are reading this, we first want to thank you for visiting our website. 
We hope that you continue to stick with us. We have big plans for this thing, and we can't do any of it without you!
Consider yourself welcome to comment and get involved with our content posts. We want to hear from you. 

You'll have the opportunity to do so very soon. The GND members are working on finishing up a month-long project deadline. All we'll reveal now is that everyone is doing a project, and all of them will belong to the same theme. 

We're going to do our best to get everyone's pieces published here as quickly as possible. We're estimating that everything will be posted next week. 

We hope you enjoy the content we all work so hard to make. 


Consider the comment section of this post as our guest book. We want to know who our readers are!
Leave a comment with your name and what kind of arts you are interested in, and/or what kind of artist you are.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Harlot, Part 2

Part 2, “Baptize my Heart”

 Time went on.

She knew how to dance for Him. Yet, there were times when dance was not the appropriate response to His glory. Sometimes, He needed her to lament. Some days, she needed to repent, and this was where she had fallen from her throne. She had fallen from her safe place when she didn’t know to repent. He knew her heart, and He knew when she would sin. He saw the glimmer in her eyes when she looked at them. It broke His heart. He needed her to repent, but she didn’t know how.

Last time, that was when she left.


Showtime, the crowd is hyped for the acts,
Among them is one who hopes for their moment just as the others do,
One by one, they stride to the stage,
One by one, the crowd is entertained,
Their cheers are never the same, but they are never lacking either,
They wait, excited, ready, and completely confident,
The act before just killed it, and they want more,
Winding down and yet there they stand, still backstage,
How many more until I get that sweet moment in the spotlight?
Not even a moment, a second,
I cannot compare to the previous ones, but I still put my entire heart into it, never lacking or holding back!
Do I even deserve a chance in the spotlight,
Maybe I’m not a bid deal like I hoped to be.
….sorry I couldn't reach you expectations….sorry I’m a act that won’t impress….s..sorry….for my nothingness….

Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Rough Rough Draft

Here is a story idea I'm throwing around. I don't have much more than what you see below.

Four power outages across [insert a big city here, either real or not]. Four people inside [aforementioned city], nowhere near the outages. 
One man with an exciting idea. One hero to clear [same city], under one direction.

What's the problem with these numbers?
Four people: same hero.

Basically a sentai-ish superhero story. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Random Picture Monday? Sure.

so I'm not necessarily trying to start a thing here, but I think that this picture found on Pinterest describes us very well here at GND.

That's basically what we're about. Doing what we love, with who we love, the way we love doing it.
It's about nerdiness. It's about artisticness. But, I hope that at it's core, it is about glorifying God through the talents and skills that He has given us. I hope that we find joy in delighting Him with worship. I hope that everything we do is worship of Him.

~Heather Rose

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Wait dear, a white horse is walking down my street here, / Your words are creeping at my feet / I fear, sunrise will come too soon and you'll disappear / Into the haze of this city and go south...

       "Just stay, please." She stares at me and I know she will go. I can beg and beg and beg, but I can't make her stay. I know I shouldn't want to, but I have to try. Everything that I've done, should make me want to push her out and never let her look at me again. But everything she is  makes me want her to stay.

Friday, June 14, 2013

In respose to Oblivion

In response to Oblivion's last post, I've listened to the song Save Me by Avenged Sevenfold. It inspired a short fiction piece. The crazy thing is, after listening to that song, I remembered a Misty Edwards song. So the piece that I wrote is a mash-up of inspiration. The Misty Edwards song is called  The Harlot. 

 It's kind of long. And posting it on here is a little scarry, because I don't usually let people read what little fiction I do write. Here it is, though:


The Harlot

The place she found herself in was familiar. She had been there a thousand times before, and had each time promised herself that she would never return. Here she was again. The loneliness was crippling. She only wished that there were silence. If only such a luxury and comfort were alotted in a place like this. No, all she had was her own inner-monologue; that is all it really was. But to her, it sounded like a thousand voices screaming her name like an obscenity.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I personally know that all different kinds of art affect me in different kinds of ways. For a while now, an idea that's been on my mind is the idea of a picture with the image stemming from the song "Save Me" by Avenged Sevenfold, one of my personal favorites. I also believe that anyone could possibly get some inspiration from this beautiful song, so anyone who is interested, go listen and lets see what you come up with!

- Oblivion

Operation: First Deadline

So, our first deadline was three days ago.

Here is my contribution:

This is a mixed-media piece. Basically, you're looking at a canvas that has been painted, dripped with melted crayons, and deco-paged.

A more in-depth post on how it was made can be found here, on my blog.
This picture will also be posted on the Mixed-Media page, entitled "Deco-page something, you'll feel better."
I think it would be a good idea for everyone to post their stuff on the pages, so that their work doesn't get lost in the archives on the main page. Hopefully, there will be many posts here, and it will be easier for us to find specific things if all the actual art and such are on the pages.

I can't wait to see everyone else's stuff!

~Heather Rose

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Code Name: Guild Next Door

No one asked me to do the intro for our little collective of friends, but I figured it would be okay if I did. So is this okay? Oh, well, I'm doing it anyway. And I'm not saying I'm the best person for it, but I would say that the people I work with are some of my best friends and I think that I can get this done.
So raise your hand if you have ever felt the lack of good, accesible, online media content.... Okay so that's about 579 of you. Great that's a start! Well when Alex suggested that we all get together and create this guild I was so excited. I think I scared Andrew a little bit at one point. I was excited because as someone who works with a ton of online media I find it hard to find places with good, substantial, content. I personally saw this guild as an opportunity to create and share good art and media. As for the rest of our band of Merry Men it was also such and opportunity.
When we first started talking about this I was saying that this was an opportunity to create what we wanted to on the schedule that we want to create it. Andrew (who was actually trying to tease me ha-ha Andrew) said something along the lines of "We can create it HOW we want to as well!" Well that was the point that I scared Andrew, because I sort of jumped him and yelled "YES! Exactly!" And all joking aside that is exactly what we are aiming to do; make good online art that reflects who we are as people.
Really we are just a few kids who grew up together who happen to like similar things. I should say that while somethings we like are similar, we are very different people. Heather, CB, and I write, it's part of who we are. But Heather writes non-fiction, while CB and I write mostly fiction, and our styles of writing fiction ar very different. Anthony and Taylor are artist, Maga artists to be specific. But they too have different styles in how they do things. Jason is somewhat of an artist too, but he mainly likes to draw weapons for characters that Taylor and Anthony draw; he's one dedicated kid.  Andrew is a musician, he plays guitar on the youth worship team at our chuch. He's also one of the smartest kids on out team. Alex is probably the hardest to pin down because we never know what he's going to do. Recently he sent me a self portrait in the drawing style that Brian Lee O'malley uses to draw Scott Pilgrim. But if you ask him, he won't subscribe to the lable "visual artist". He doesn't really subscribe to any lable because likes to touch on all of it.
We all bond over books we all like to read and movies we like to watch and games we like to play. The bond that we have is not something that happened over night, it is continuously growing. That's why we decided that this guild was a good idea. Basically we are people who doing the things we love, with the people we love, in the way we love to do it. I have seen people work together and their friendship suffers for it, but I have the utmost confidence that because of what we have built already that won't be our case. We know how to disagree and we know how to overcome that disagreement. We're here to stay.
We decided early on that being apart of this wasn't about making content for other people; it's about making it for each other because we love each other. And beyond that it's to give glory to God in all that we do, because He's the reason we are friends to begin with. Beyond creating things that are worth while I think this is about growing closer as not just a group of friends, but as a family.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Upcoming stuff:

Okay, guild-mates.
This is the blog, and the current template is called
 Smashed Lightbulbs

and all the other ones that I found fit our purposes were not compatable (with my skill level) with this blog. If anyone sees something you like, i.e. a cool background, let me know.
If you find a template, make sure that it has an HTML code, and I could put it up here.
This one is not by any means the final one.
Ideas are welcome.

~Heather Rose