hello, our names are. . .

The art guild known as Table of Contents (previously called The Guild Next Door):

Heather Rose -  web monkey, writer, mixed-media artist, blogger, co-founder
Oblivion - comission artist, co-founder
Computer Blue - writer, graphic designer, co-founder
Ace - founder, voice actor, writer, reporter, multi-media coverage
Mercutio - baliff, honorary member
Winter Hill - writer, blogger, reviewer of many things, mixed media artist, co-founder
Nerdius Maximus - weapon designer, gamer, co-founder, honorary member
Chi - performance artist, makeup artist, set artist, writer, blogger
lighting_resonance - artist, gamer, honorary member
Vorylin - writer, performance artist, gamer


        So I guess I'm Winter Hill. I wasn't born with that name, but I got to choose it when I started writing as a pen name.
       I really hope I'm going this page thing correctly, on my main blog, Invisible Ideas (http://theinvisiblegirl21.blogspot.com/) I don't use separate pages. Maybe I should start..... Anyway, I am a part of this thing, you know CodeName: Guild Next Door. I'm sure you've heard of it. I mean I would hope so, this is it's website. I am super proud to be a part of it. I really believe that independent art is the future of art culture. We already have a huge indie music and film culture, and I think writing and visual art are on the brink of emergence onto the independent scene.
       Maybe you want to know a few things about me. Well on paper I am a student going into my second year of college. But off paper, where it really counts, I am a young author, blogger, and artist. If you ask me about the music I am listening to I get really excited about whatever new EP or live set I just downloaded from NoiseTrade. If you ask me about books I am going to go on a long rant about how much I hate the protagonist in the novel I'm reading, but I'll end by saying that the novel is remarkable. I will never, ever, mention anything I'm working on, unless you ask me, then I will be vague. If you mention my church to me or God or Christianity, I will suddenly have lot's of opinions. I will care and you will know it. I will defend the Bible and I will acknowledge the Holy Spirit.
       I really don't know how to end this. I would go on, but I fear my colleagues would not be super happy with my if I did. OH! Recommendations! Okay. So for music: Josh Ritter - Girl in the War. Movies: Mud (Don't let Matthew McConaughey scare you off) Books: I just re-read The Road and I still love it, but if you want something more fun, but still good, read The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson (you should listen to his music too.) I guess that's all. Check out the rest of the website for more cool stuff by myself and the other guys here at GND.


Hey all, names Ace; I’m glad to do what I do even if it isn’t much.
I’m just a guy who does random stuff and will always be true to what I do, and I always listen to God’s will.
I guess the biggest thing you will see from me is my voicing, it’s what I do; local Voice Monkey here!
You can rely on me, believe that!

Hello there, I’m Heather Rose! I am an artist of multiple trades, and I am also the only person in this guild who uses their real name. ^_^  I’m the one who tends to get preachy. This is because I’m very much in love with Jesus Christ. I treat my art as manifestations of worship. I strive to let everything I do say something about Him; whether it’s a story, a collage, a painting, or just sticking something in a smash book.
I believe that God created mankind, and bound Himself in the body of a Jewish carpenter. I believe that this Jewish man is the Messiah, and that He was and is and is yet to come. I believe that He lived a perfect life, came to abolish religious hypocrisy, and was friend to the most despicable. I believe that He was killed, and that He rose again. I believe that He is coming for His bride, and that His Spirit lives in me. Those facts have everything to do with any art that I make. Everything that comes out of me is because of Him. I am currently trying to let Him be glorified in what I consume: music, books, movies, and basically every kind of media intake.
Concerning myself: I am a professional librocubicularist (look it up). I like movies and tv shows with plots and morals. Of course, I enjoy music (I mean, come on...). I do not consider myself to be a nom nom nom (ask blimey cow). In fact, I think that the whole point of Guild Next Door is to make content of all kinds that is not haphazardly tossed together for nom nom nom-ing. We are here to make stories and art that cannot be mindlessly consumed, but rather carefully digested and genuinely enjoyed. It’s a mission that seems to be overlooked in America’s various media industries. That is what we are here for. That is what He put us here for.  

I don't usually talk about myself
anywhere, including even the Internet with my
all-relating mask. All the same, I will tell you
a little. Aside from the geeky passions and
consuming "obsessions" -
my other-universe mediums on the other
side of the television, monitor, or print page -
writing is what I do.
It's a gift, from a Special Someone who's done
plenty of writing Himself. I only hope to do it well
in return. 

-Computer Blue


Hihi My name is Chi, I am 20. I am very weird. I don't mind this because I put my weirdness into my work. I am a theatre design student, I am currently writing a book, and I love to doodle. I love to dance and sing though I'm not very good. Jack-of-many- trades, mastering some. Honestly that's all I can think of for now! BYES!


Greetings and salutations Comrades.

I am Nerdius Maximus of Codename Guild Next Door. I will be the lead weapons designer, as well as video game "enthusiast" among a few in the guild. I may also occasionally produce rambles on games and such subjects of rambling; however rambles should be read with the knowledge of me being homeschooled in mind.

I believe myself to be the "comedic relief" in the guild, if you will, and so hope to make you laugh. So until next time (don't count on that being soon)- I hope to make you smile, make you laugh, and hopefully make your side hurt.

Later Comrades. :D


Hello. I am Oblivion, and I commit to keep faith and love from sinking into my very namesake. I am an artist, with manga art being my specialty. But, music and art and literature and anything that speaks to my soul and spirituality, I present in my works.  I love emotion and to let my own fly, especially in my art. God inspires my every feeling, and I hope to share my feelings through my art in any way possible. May I leave a legacy in faith and love through my pen that strengthens me. ~Oblivion


 I love to draw play videogames and watch anime
Ill be contributing random sketchs and whatever I'm told to
Enjoy our guild's awesomeness


Hey, all. May I say that I'm thrilled to be here? Well, I am. Nyeh. Funny story on how I became a member of this guild. Ok, so, I was just chilling and relaxin' being a fledgling writer (who also finds himself pretty decent at it [And no, I'm not boasting. This is what I've been told]) who just so happened to give his poems to a few friends to read for the heck of it. Lo and behold, one of these friends decided to do me a wonderful favor and submit the works that I had produced to this guild.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand well hey, things worked out. I didn't even know that this thing had existed prior to being told that it did. And now, I'm part of this amazing little community of like minded, multi-faceted individuals. God's going to do great things through the works He inspires in us. Enjoy what we have to offer. Oh yeah, before I go, a little background information on me: I am twenty years old, I am a senior (in my seventh semester) at the University of New Orleans who's taken ninety four credit hours up to this point (currently taking fifteen hours this time), I've got a part time job at a Chick-Fil-A where I hone my people skills, and currently I'm at a high point in life. As time goes on, I pray and hope I remember to update this thing. Alright. That's enough out of me. Enjoy what the Table of Contents has to offer. ^~^

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