Even as my soul's besieged
You never let go of me
This life gives me more than I can bear
But You insist, and I comply, that I
leave myself in Your care
Though this world and the enemy
continue to belittle and push me from You
Your still, small voice forever holds
me and pulls me through
Anguish, torment, and ruin ravage my
fertile soils,
Your mercy erases my guilt
Your grace, it satisfies me
Your faithfulness quenches my fear
Your surging joy drowns my despair
Your peace quiets my uncertainty
Your longsuffering stills my discontent
Your love can't, won't, never will
When my restless heart is shattered,
Your Word binds me together, mighty
I must truly learn of the depth,
height, and width of Your love
For I can never be lost as long as I
keep my eyes on You
Your mercy erases my guilt
Your grace, it satisfies me
Your faithfulness quenches my fear
Your surging joy drowns my despair
Your peace quiets my uncertainty
Your longsuffering stills my discontent
Your love can't, won't, never will
You fashioned me in Your glorious
visage, Yahweh, my Creator
You destroyed my iniquity and made me
Yours, Jesus, my Master
You transform me into Your majestic
likeness, Spirit of God
Your tower, fortress, shadow, wings,
wind, light, all comfort me and are the safest places I can dwell
Forever, You bind me to Yourself and
embrace me
Your mercy erases my guilt
Your grace, it satisfies me
Your faithfulness quenches my fear
Your surging joy drowns my despair
Your peace quiets my uncertainty
Your longsuffering stills my discontent
Your love can't, won't, never will