Sunday, April 6, 2014

True Love

She closed her eyes, here it was again, the old familiar pain. she opened her eyes and read the text again. Tears welled up in her eyes, she wanted to scream but she couldn't... they would hear... they would ask what was wrong... she'd have to tell them... everything... she couldn't do that... no, she couldn't scream. There it was, the tearing ripping feeling in her chest. Her old familiar friend, the pain, the pain of him, the pain of his indifference.
She grabbed her pillow and buried her face in it. The tears were coming full force now, she couldn't stop it. The voices pounded in her head, telling her she was worthless, unloved, alone. Then she heard it the small voice below the others. "I'm here my child." As she focused in on the smaller voice it grew louder. "I'm here my beloved. I'm always here. You are beautiful and you are loved." The other voices hissed trying to silence the smaller voice "Don't lissssten you will always be alone!" She focused harder on the small voice, the voice of warmth and love and light. "My beautiful creation, I have loved you since before you were born. I will never leave you, I will never hurt you, I will always be here for you." The other voices screamed for the small voice to stop but the small voice thundered "SILENCE" and the voices dissipated. "My child, my lovely daughter, I will always love you. Though men of this world will let you down, I will be there to pick you up. The voices will return, just listen for my voice and I will lead you back. Always remember my voice." Slowly she picked herself up, she now knew what she had to do. She was going to follow Him, the voice she had heard before at the worst times in her life. She knew Him well but she had forgotten, now she wouldn't, couldn't forget again. The One who would never leave her, the One that would never hurt her, thats what she needed.

Hey Chi here! Ok so I'm gunna say I'm not big on the whole true love/soul mates thing but I am going to say that there is one love that IS true and wonderful. There is one out there that will never leave you. There is one that will never hurt you. He has loved you since before the world began and He wants you to know that you are loved and wanted. If you ever get to the point where you feel so alone and hurt and that no one will ever love you, remeber someone already does and He died so you could spend eternity with Him. So listen for that still small voice next time the voices are telling you you're worthless, because God thought you were worth everything.

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